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"High-altitude attitude"

Acrophobia is a drop tower ride located in Peachtree Square at Six Flags Over Georgia. It opened on May 12, 2001[1], in the former spot of The Great Six Flags Air Racer.

The ride was was manufactured by Intamin, and is the first free-fall attraction of its kind.



On May 12, 2001, Acrophobia opened to the public at approximately 6:17 PM, after having been testing all day. To avoid line jumping, numbered tickets were given out to guests who wanted to ride, so that if a guest jumped in line, Six Flags employees would known upon taking the ticket and letting the guest on the ride.[1]


On June 22, 2007, Acrophobia and several other drop towers were forced to close due to a gruesome accident on Superman: Tower of Power at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom, where a broken cable severed the feet of 13-year-old Katyln Lassiter.

On March 11, 2017, Acrophobia introduced Drop of Doom VR for a limited time, a VR experience where riders put on Samsung Galaxy VR headsets and went on an adventure where riders battle giant mutant spiders. It was introduced as a "kickoff" to the Six Flags Over Georgia's 50th anniversary year.[2]

Ride experience[]

Riders are locked in while standing up, and they are lifted 200 feet in the air. Once at the top, someone over the PA will say something (varies each ride) as you spin around 360 degrees. The ride then drops straight down to the ground at up to 50 MPH.




  1. 1.0 1.1 Acrophobia at Six Flags Over Georgia opens. CoasterBuzz (May 15, 2001).
  2. Kelley, Tom (March 9, 2017). Bugged by spiders? Beware of Six Flags ride. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

See also[]

External links[]

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