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Six Flags Wiki
Six Flags Wiki

Holiday in the Park Lights 2020 is the first Holiday in the Park Lights event at Six Flags Great America, Six Flags New England and Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. It ran on select dates from November 27 through December 30 in 2020.


On October 13, 2020, officials said that it would be very unlikely for Six Flags Great America to be returning for the 2020 season, not with rides, due to COVID-19 restrictions in Illinois and a spike of COVID-19 cases. [1]

2 days later, on October 15, 2020, in an exclusive with WGN reporter Marcus LeShock, the park announced "Holiday in the Park Lights." It would feature around 500,000 more lights added around the park, and seasonal shows. All entertainment featured Holiday in the Park that would be indoors would now be outdoors, due to concerns over airborne particles.[2]

On November 17, 2020, both Six Flags Discovery Kingdom and Six Flags New England announced their Holiday in the Park Lights events. They would both also would not have rides operating, due to restrictions in each state.[3] [4]

All Holiday in the Park Lights events had drive-thru experiences following Holiday in the Park Lights through January 18, 2021, excluding Discovery Kingdom, as theirs was extended for "Celebrate 2021 Seasons of Thrills Drive-Thru Experience"

Themed land overlays[]

Six Flags Great America[]

Six Flags New England[]

Six Flags Discovery Kingdom[]

  • Merry Marketplace
  • Winter Wonderlane
  • Christmas Tree Forest
  • Main Street Festival of Lights
  • Toy Land


Six Flags Great America[]



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SFGAM park logo 2019
Carousel Plaza
Columbia CarouselSky Trek TowerMaxx ForceFlagsVictory Lane
Orleans Place
Superman: Ultimate FlightThe Dark Knight CoasterCondorRue Le Dodge
Mardi Gras
Roaring RapidsBig Easy Balloons
DC Universe
Batman: The RideThe Flash: Vertical VelocityThe JokerAQUAMAN SplashdownDC Super-Villains SwingSteelworks PubCentral City SnacksGotham City SnacksCaptain Cold Ice CreamDC Universe Store
Yukon Territory
Logger's RunWinner's CircleLittle DipperCartoon CabinWizards WorkshopMaw & Paw's Trail GrubMooseburger LodgeClaim Jumpers Chicken
Metropolis Plaza
Justice League: Battle for Metropolis
County Fair
American EagleGoliathDemonFiddler's FlingX-FlightSky StrikerWrath of RakshasaCounty Fair Food Court
Hometown Square
Hometown Fun MachineTriple PlayWhizzerThe LobsterLady BugsRed BaronTot's LiveryFirehouse SnacksGrand Music Hall
Southwest Territory
Raging BullViperChubascoRicochetRiver RockerGiant DropMijo's Authentic Mexican FoodFiesta Fries CantinaThe OasisEl Mercado
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SFNE 2019 CoasterLogo Color
Main Street Plaza
1909 Illions Grand CarouselThunderboltScream!Looney Tunes EmporiumSix Flags EmporiumRiverboat CaféNew England ExpressWhistlestop Water Works
Crackaxle Canyon
Houdini – The Great EscapeTomahawkStampede Bumper CarsRock N RodeoLast Chance OutpostGood Eats Café
North End
New England SkyScreamerPandemoniumWicked CycloneFlashbackBlizzard RiverScramblerBalloon RaceQuantum AcceleratorChop SixBaystate FriesBaystate FisheriesNorthern Star Brew House
Rockville ArcadeTea CupsRockville Drive-InBlue Moon SaloonFast Eddie's Diner
Looney Tunes Movie Town
Animation DepartmentWile E. Coyote Speed TrapTaz Prop Delivery CompanyDaffy Duck Hollywood ToursThe Great ChaseTweety's ClubhouseTake Six CaféBrown DerbyRivers Edge Picnic Grove
DC Universe
Superman: The RideCatwoman's WhipGotham City Gauntlet: Escape from Arkham AsylumCyborg: Hyper DriveSupergirl Sky FlyerLex Corp. ArcadeJohnny Rockets
Krazy KarsSplish Splash ZoneKrazy KupsWacky WagonsWhirlybirdzZoomJetsWild WheelzDino Off Road Adventure
Gotham City
Batman: The Dark KnightThe Riddler RevengeThe JokerGotham City Crime WaveHarley Quinn SpinsanityAztek: The Ultimate NachosFunHouse Gifts
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Six Flags Discovery Kingdom logo transparent
Maximum Thrills
Batman: The RideThe JokerSuperman: Ultimate FlightWonder Woman Lasso of TruthThe Flash: Vertical VelocityBoomerang: Coast-to-CoasterDare Devil Chaos CoasterKongMedusaHammerhead SharkSkyScreamerTazmanian Devil
Moderate Thrills
CobraWave SwingerBoardwalk Bumper BuggiesMonkey BusinessThrilla GorillaWhite Water SafariSkycoasterThe ArkScat-A-BoutKingdom TheaterMonsoon FallsThe Penguin
Kid-Sized Thrills
Looney Tunes Seaport

ACME Fun Factory BlastBugs' BuccaneerElmer's Weather Balloon ServiceFoghorn's Seaport RailwayPepé Le Pew's Rafts of Romance Road Runner ExpressSeaport CarouselSylvester's Pounce and BounceTaz's Typhoon Yosemite Sam's Flight School
Seaside Junction
Air PenguinsMerlin's Seaside ToursSeaside RailwaySplish Splash Zone
Tava's Jungleland
Congo QueenFrog HopperNairobi's Lookout BalloonsTava's Elephant ParadeZoe's TreehouseSafari Jeep TourMonkey AroundSplash Water Oasis
