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Six Flags Wiki

Part of Lakeside Pavilion.

Lakeside Pavilion is a food court at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, located in the far back of the park.


Several Six Flags chain restaurants, as well as unique restaurants, can be found here such as Chop Six, JB's Sports Bar and Grille Primo's Pizzeria, Paddle Handle Corndogs, Seaside Sandwiches, Seamore Cott's Fish & Fries, and Macho Nacho Burritos.


This area also features one flat ride: Hammerhead Shark, manufactured by Zamperla.

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Six Flags Discovery Kingdom logo transparent
Maximum Thrills
Batman: The RideThe JokerSuperman: Ultimate FlightWonder Woman Lasso of TruthThe Flash: Vertical VelocityBoomerang: Coast-to-CoasterDare Devil Chaos CoasterKongMedusaHammerhead SharkSkyScreamerTazmanian Devil
Moderate Thrills
CobraWave SwingerBoardwalk Bumper BuggiesMonkey BusinessThrilla GorillaWhite Water SafariSkycoasterThe ArkScat-A-BoutKingdom TheaterMonsoon FallsThe Penguin
Kid-Sized Thrills
Looney Tunes Seaport

ACME Fun Factory BlastBugs' BuccaneerElmer's Weather Balloon ServiceFoghorn's Seaport RailwayPepé Le Pew's Rafts of Romance Road Runner ExpressSeaport CarouselSylvester's Pounce and BounceTaz's Typhoon Yosemite Sam's Flight School
Seaside Junction
Air PenguinsMerlin's Seaside ToursSeaside RailwaySplish Splash Zone
Tava's Jungleland
Congo QueenFrog HopperNairobi's Lookout BalloonsTava's Elephant ParadeZoe's TreehouseSafari Jeep TourMonkey AroundSplash Water Oasis
